It is the season to be jolly, the season to come together with family and friends to celebrate our love and appreciation of what life has given us, and to enjoy our achievements in the last year and the good things in life, before we start fresh in the new year. It is a season of joy, of giving gifts to the ones we love, and tuning in with our hearts to those who are not physically around us, but who are always there, through time and space, if we listen in and tune into the right channel internally, because love is never lost. It is a season of gratefulness!
For some of us, it is also a season to check in with ourselves, to go over the past year, or maybe even our life, to check in where we are, where we have been, how far we have come, and where we want to go next. Some of us like to do this in solitude, and in quiet contemplation, using religious celebrations, or nature, or meditation to find back to ourselves.
Others like to externalize the process, and like to talk to others about it, to clarify their thoughts, and their feelings, and their goals for the new year, because sometimes it is easier to talk to someone else and get an external perspective, and maybe the one or other tip, or simply some external support.

If you are someone who likes to talk with others to clarify your thoughts, and you think you would benefit from a chat with someone about where you are going next, and how to get there, we offer a FREE New Year Strategy Session. We will clarify where you are at, and what your goals are, with no obligations, just give us a call on
+44 (0) 7932 495 334
Alternatively, please send us an email to
quoting "Free New Year Strategy Session" in the subject line and 3 times and dates when you are available for a chat, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Again, the call is free, and there is no obligation to take it any further.
If you decide you would like to take it further, though, we also offer 25% off all coaching packages that are booked by 31 December 2018. This includes:
- Life Coaching
- Supportive Life Coaching
- Peak Performance Coaching,
- Career Coaching, and
- Leadership coaching
Just contact us here, and we'll aim to get back to you within 48 hours!
Happy holidays!