Did we sell out?!
Or did we really just gather resources?
Now we have the resources...
Do you want to leave a Legacy?
Justice for all
Hug a tree
You see, we may have sold out for a time, but now, as a group, we've also got...
Why not
use it now,
for something we believe in, and have always believed in?
how to
get things done

And maybe the place to start is using our business skills to find and create win-win solutions between humans and the natural world. There are so many opportunities out there now, from solar replacing oil, to electric cars, to clean meat and vegan meat replacements, to vertical farms, to tech that detoxifies the environment, and they ALL make a profit.
Profit is not a bad thing!
It is what keeps this movement sustainable so we can drive it forward and do NOT have to sell out or split our energy. Plus, one thing I learned working with powerful people is that if I want to make a change, if I want to influence things for the better, if I want to save the world, I have to ALIGN with those who have the power! If we fight profit and big business, we will always lose, but if we show them how they can make a profit, how they can win by truly doing the right thing, then you don't just have a shot, you accelerate. And I've seen that happen! If an investment bank can be convinced to go above and beyond what regulations require, BECAUSE IT IS PROFITABLE, anybody can! You may even be able to do that in the company you are currently in!
Greta Thunberg is just the latest person who heads up the movement we all believe in. How about we back her up with some real corporate power? Tesla and a few other companies have shown the way.
Let's go mainstream!
And we may just solve world hunger, social justice, and peace for all while we are at it, because guess what - they are all connected.
What could be more fulfilling than that?
What could be a greater legacy?
Other offers:

Life Coaching
12 week
This is a bespoke one-to-one coaching program, which can be offered at different levels, depending on the need and wishes of the client
Programs offered are
Executive Coaching
Peak Performance Coaching & Leadership (Business) Coaching
For a free clarity session
For more information
contact us

Membership in the G10 Mastermind includes not only networking with like-minded professionals seeking to reach the next level in their business while creating win-win solutions with humans and the environment, but also the following:
Elite Training
Business and Life Tools
Group Coaching
Bespoke Solutions
Free Access to the SYNNJ-Course
Free Copy of the SYNNJ book
Discounts to Live Events
(online & in person)
To apply contact us on
Business Consulting&
Business Transformation
please contact us here:
Training can be individually tailored to the organization& upon request our consulting services include
Leadership Coaching
If you are a private individual,
please click here!

Petra Lohmeier
Business Consultant
& Trainer

About Petra Lohmeier
Petra Lohmeier has a unique background with a wide variety of professional experience in various industries, which gives her unique insights, as well as the ability to cross-pollinate between businesses and industries.
She spent over a decade managing change in different capacities in large international corporations while working as a negotiator, legal counsel, derivatives lawyer, consultant, and change manager. Most of these companies were Fortune (FTSE) 500 companies (2 of which are currently Fortune (FTSE) 100 companies), She has worked for clients in the US, the UK, Germany, and Canada directly while working, collaborating or negotiating with colleagues and clients on all continents (except Antarctica), and she has now widened her focus to change management in a sustainability context, looking for win-win situations between humans and animals & the natural world - because the same principles apply.
Before entering the corporate world of power, she spent years working in entertainment and for various charities, and she never stopped volunteering on the side.
She is qualified as a lawyer in two jurisdictions (Germany & England & Wales, currently non-practicing in both), and holds various other qualifications and certificates for project & change management, as well as Life Coaching (Robbins-Madanes Training). What gives her a creative, out-of-the-box thinking perspective is that she also has a background as a professional actress under the name "Phyn Nevelle" (see www.imdb.com).

We'd love to hear from you
"During her time at Goldman Sachs Petra has proved an excellent adviser to the Interest Rate Derivative Operations Team with regard to the legal framework (in particular German Master Agreement and ISDA) of our trades."
Antje Dornig, Clearing Product Design & Supervision at Eurex Clearig AG, Deutsche Boerse Group

"Petra was a wonderful coach, mentor and teacher. I learned so much from her about negotiation tactics, legal drafting, the technical background to certain clauses and why counterparts needed certain provisions. Petra helped me understand how to find compromises and when to stand firm, but also why and how to find win-win solutions that would accommodate both parties’ needs. I felt incredibly well prepared even before I started my official training as a lawyer... I experienced how seamless communication can be between people from widely different backgrounds and disciplines... All in all, working with Petra was excellent preparation for practicing as a lawyer in a highly technical field."
Netanya Clixby, Legal Counsel (Secondee) at Deutsche Bank
Giving back has always been a part of my philosophy
(for more information click here!)
which is why we are committed that
of those revenue-generating activities that do not already go into the movement,
10% of the net profits will go to charitable causes!
Snowflake and Yoda,
our latest rescues

Terms of Use
Phone: +49 (0) 1525 820 5801
Email: info@nevelle.co.uk
C/Almirante Cadarso no 26, 46005, Valencia, Spain