Times have changed...for the better!
It is not money versus the environment anymore!
Now the rich lose out if they don't protect the environment, because it affects their business
The world bank and financial regulators are heavily pushing sustainability.
Technical advances are making the clean-up of the environment a profitable business.
And the first movers are already making healthy profits.
And people are listening.
There are now chances that were never there before.
Let's help the change along and point out win-win opportunities!
How to find win-win solutions
between humans and nature
in your business
Businesses quite often the assume that change in general, and doing the right thing in particular, here for animals and nature, will take away from humans and cost them profit.
Yet, quite often the reverse is true.
"Change" can just be another word for "innovation" without which no business can flourish.
Is all of it free?
Actually, most of our courses were free, for a limited time only.
But we found, like most other businesses,
that unfortunately, people don't value what is free,
and since it is really important to us that people use the techniques
that we found that are really helpful,
we are charging again now.
But it still doesn't break the bank.
And in the win-win course space,
you still find a lot of free taster videos and resources.
Also, there is an additional incentive to pay a bit,
apart from the additional motivation it gives and spiritual principles -
because 50% of all funds we collect from selling online courses or donations on this site go towards the WWAC until we have the cost of this Website and the cost to keep the company covered, and thereafter 100% will be earmarked for the WWAC. If the WWAC never sees the light of day, 100% of the funds earmarked for the WWAC will go to a wildlife charity.
This is also a win-win
The Win-Win Action Centre (WWAC) will be
a rescue center for wild and farm animals
that we are planning on building,
as a sanctuary for animals,
an educational and healing space for humans,
a non-evasive research center for win-win tech
and a place to find our chosen family for those of us who love ALL life.
Do you want to be a part of it?
It may be selfish of us to collect for this dream, but
do you want to be selfish with us?
At some point, if you care about enough outside yourself,
being selfish helps everyone

We are still very much in the beginning and open to different ways how this could manifest.
We may buy our own property, or we could partner with an already thriving organization or national park and add our contribution - and funds from these programs - there.
Organizations that are interested may contact us here.
If we never make it there, all the money will be donated to animal and environmental charities that are aligned with our vision, but we fully plan to get there.
Are you with us?
Copyright Nevelle UG (haftungsbeschränkt)., all rights reserved
We have moved!
Nevelle Limited has been dissolved and transferred its business to Europe
to the new Nevelle-entity Nevelle UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
For address and contact details please see the new site www.nevelle.de