So you need a new job. Also called "Now what??!"
Make your worst day your best day! This will not be the right course for most of you who come from the "How to love and protect your pets" - course, but for the few of you who want to go all in and change direction in your professional life as well, I wanted to show you that there is help with this!
9 Modules
19 Sessions
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"So you need a new job." - series
"So you need a new job." - series

Video 1 - Introduction 2023

Video 2 - Explore (Part 1)

Video 3 - Explore (Part 2)
About This Product:
Losing a job can be a difficult experience. So can knowing that it will disappear soon. But no matter how scary it may feel, no matter how angry you may be, it doesn't have to be the end of the world!
In fact, once you are on the other side, the day that you left, could turn out to have been the best day of your life...even if it doesn't feel that way now!
And then again, maybe you know that, and that's WHY you decided to leave yourself, but now you suddenly have these doubts...what if it won't work??! What if all your dreams were just that - dreams that don't materialize?!
We've been there, for multiple reasons, and we know that it can be a time when one gets lost. Fear or anger oftentimes show up and they may fuel your drive, but unchecked they can also be bad advisors. It is much easier to move forward if there is a path, a light to move towards.
That's why we created a system that makes it easier, faster, and safer to find a new job, work yourself into it, and succeed!
It is not a guarantee you'll get there. It is not a system that will do the work for you, you will still have to buckle down and put in the effort. But once you find the right path, it may end up being no effort at all, once you are aligned with where you are going, you may find that what used to be work will become effortless, and what used to be difficult will become exciting!
This is not a course to become an entrepreneur. There are other people who have done a phenomenal job at creating a course for that. But this IS a course if you need to find a job to pick up some of the skills you need as an entrepreneur, or if you need a job to tie you over UNTIL enough money from your mission comes in, or if you want to find an entirely new direction for your life!
This is also for people who don't want to be entrepreneurs because they value the security of being an employee, or because an employed job at a big company gives them the opportunity to contribute and create value NOW with the skills they have at a level that they could not immediately get to as an entrepreneur. And if they later want to become entrepreneurs, that's ok, too. It may even help you create and launch a new product then!
There are 8 modules in this course:
1) The introduction
This is an overview of the system to success!
2) The first "E"
How to let go of the past, re-direct, and move forward - you wouldn't believe how important the right setup is!
3) The 2nd "E"
How to ENJOY finding the next great thing!
4) The 3rd "E"
Ok, now I know WHAT I want to do, but HOW do I work myself into it? Tools for self-education and preparation
5) The 4th "E"
I am ready to launch - what do I do now? This is where we build a strategy of how to get where we want to end up.
6) The 5th "E"
Ready to Rock! The execution! What to expect and how to deal with it and enjoy the process!
7) The 6th "E"
You did it! - So how do you make it last?
8) The integration
A summary of all the steps and how to make it into a system that can be used again and again in other areas!
Bonus: Change Management in Corporations
Another tool for your tool box!
What people have said in the past, click here!

About Petra Lohmeier
Petra Lohmeier has a unique background with a wide variety of professional experience in various industries, which gives her unique insights, as well as the ability to cross-pollinate between businesses and industries.
She spent over a decade managing change in different capacities in large international corporations while working as a negotiator, legal counsel, derivatives lawyer, consultant, and change manager. Most of these companies were Fortune (FTSE) 500 companies (2 of which are currently Fortune (FTSE) 100 companies), She has worked for clients in the US, the UK, Germany, and Canada directly while working, collaborating or negotiating with colleagues and clients on all continents (except Antarctica), and she has now widened her focus to change management in a sustainability context, looking for win-win situations between humans and animals & the natural world.
Before entering the corporate world of power politics and big money, she spent years working in entertainment and for various charities, and she never stopped volunteering on the side.
She is qualified as a lawyer in two jurisdictions (Germany & England & Wales, currently non-practicing in both), and holds various other qualifications and certificates for project & change management, as well as Life Coaching (Robbins-Madanes Training). What gives her a creative, out-of-the-box thinking perspective is that she also has a background as a professional actress under the name "Phyn Nevelle" (see www.imdb.com).
"Petra was a wonderful coach, mentor and teacher. I learned so much from her about negotiation tactics, legal drafting, the technical background to certain clauses and why counterparts needed certain provisions. Petra helped me understand how to find compromises and when to stand firm, but also why and how to find win-win solutions that would accommodate both parties’ needs. I felt incredibly well prepared even before I started my official training as a lawyer... I experienced how seamless communication can be between people from widely different backgrounds and disciplines... All in all, working with Petra was excellent preparation for practicing as a lawyer in a highly technical field."
Netanya Clixby, Legal Counsel (Secondee) at Deutsche Bank
"During her time at Goldman Sachs Petra has proved an excellent adviser to the Interest Rate Derivative Operations Team with regard to the legal framework (in particular German Master Agreement and ISDA) of our trades."
Antje Dornig, Clearing Product Design & Supervision at Eurex Clearig AG, Deutsche Boerse Group

Giving back has always been a part of our philosophy which is why we are committed that
50% of the net profits of all our revenue-generating activities, including the proceeds of this course, will go to charitable causes!
We currently support :
local wild cats in Spain (rehoming, feeding & neutering)
Trees for the future (trees.org)
Soil restoration (Savesoil.org)
Hedgehoge Rescue Ahausen/Bermatingen
Operation Underground Railroad, saving children from sex trafficking (https://ourrescue.org/)
We also supported the following charities in the past (either personally or through the company), among others:
Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital, Englandhttps://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/
Wildlife Rescue Association Vancouver https://www.wildliferescue.ca/give/
Wildlife Rescue Association Trent Park, London (http://www.wras-enfieldwildlife.org.uk/)
© Petra Lohmeier, all rights reserved.
Nevelle UG (haftungsbescrhänkt)
HRB 731659
88677 Markdorf