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Get rid of your boredom, Have Fun, and learn how to adjust to a new normal

all in a weekend

for less than the price of a designer coffee!

In these uncertain times, do you want to know how you can get from miserable to adventurous, and even happy?

Then follow the characters in this book, who may not have all lost their jobs, but all of whom lost something or someone precious, all of whom hurt, and all of whom go on a journey of transformation, some faster than others.

This book is a wonderful metaphor of how to adjust to the "new normal", while providing lots of drama, comedy, fun, adventure, and even some new philosophies, and rather than trying to will yourself out of where you are right now (if you are in a bad place), why not live their journey with them, so they will lift you up alongside them?

And if you are not in a bad place, but somebody you know is, maybe it can give you some pointers on how to help them, while having some fun while you are at it!

It's less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks, at worst you'll have a fun, and wacky weekend, at best, you'll find just the insight you need! review

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